Website terms of use

This section contains the Terms of Use of this website. By accessing this website and any of its pages, you are agreeing to these Terms.

Non-provision of financial services or products

Neither HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad ("the Bank") nor any HSBC Group member offer any financial services or products through their use and operation of this website, or gateway ("the Site"). Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by any HSBC Group member. The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site shall not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any securities or other instruments outside any jurisdiction where the Bank is not licensed or authorised  to perform such activities (hereinafter the "Authorised Countries").

Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site may be available in all geographical locations served by HSBC Group members. You should access only the Local Site(s) associated with your country of residence ("Your Local Site"). If you own products that are not discussed on Your Local Site, information about such products may be accessible on another HSBC website. Products and services discussed outside Your Local Site may not be available in your jurisdiction of residence or in the Authorised Countries and may not be appropriate for you. It is the responsibility of any persons accessing this Site and any information available through this Site to inform himself or herself of and to observe fully the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. HSBC Group members may decline to provide you with products and services solely based on your country of residence.

Products discussed on this Site may not have been registered or authorized by any central bank, governmental or regulatory authority in the Authorised Countries or in the country of your residence. Accordingly, you may not have the benefit of protection from the securities laws, banking laws and other relevant laws and regulations of your country of residence with respect to products or services referred to on or through this Site.

No representation is given that any securities, products, or services discussed in or accessible through this Site are suitable for you or any particular person. You acknowledge that your use of this Site and any requests for information you have made as a result of visiting this Site have not been solicited by the Bank or any of its affiliates and that the provision of any information through this Site shall not constitute or be considered investment or financial advice.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to provide professional advice. Persons accessing these pages should obtain appropriate professional advice when necessary. 

There may be occasions where information published by third parties who are not affiliated with or in any way related to the Bank or HSBC Group is included in this website. Such information is included to enhance your user experience and/or is presented for your convenience only. The Bank shall not be deemed to endorse, recommend, approve, guarantee, promote or have any form of co-operation with such third parties nor to give any warranty in respect of such information unless otherwise stated by the Bank.

Copyrights and trademarks 

The Bank and other third parties (where applicable) own the trademarks, trade names, logos and service marks displayed on this website. These may not be used without the written permission of the Bank or the third party owning these. 

Materials on this site are protected by copyright. No part of these materials may be modified, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted (in any form or by any means), copied, distributed, used for creating derivative works or used in any other way for commercial or public purposes without the Bank's or the third party's prior written consent. 

No warranties

Whilst every care has been taken in preparing the information and materials contained in this website, such information and materials are provided  "as is"  without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In particular, no warranty regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses is given in connection with such information and materials. 

Linked websites

The Bank or any other HSBC Group member is not responsible for the contents available on or the set-up of any other websites linked to this site. Access to and use of such other websites is at the user's own risk and subject to any terms and conditions applicable to such access/use. By providing hyperlinks to other websites, the Bank shall not be deemed to endorse, recommend, approve, guarantee or introduce any third parties or the service/products they provide on their website, or have any form of cooperation with such third parties and websites. The Bank is not a party to any contractual arrangements entered into between you and the provider of the external website unless otherwise expressly specified or agreed to by the Bank. 


Email messages sent to the Bank over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. The Bank is not responsible for any damages incurred by users if they send a message to the Bank, or if the Bank sends a message to them at their request, over the Internet. 

Limitation of liability 

Other than those incurred as an obligation to a customer by agreement or in law, in no event will the Bank be liable for any damages, including without limitation to direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with this website or use thereof; or inability to use by any party or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure; or arising from or in connection with any fraud or dishonest conduct of any third party including without limitation hacking and phishing, even if the Bank, or representatives thereof, have been advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses.

Transmitting over the internet 

Due to the nature of the Internet, transactions may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, delayed transmission and incorrect data transmission. The Bank is not liable for malfunctions in communications facilities not under its control that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of messages and transactions you send. 


The Bank do not represent or warrant that the Site will be available and meet your requirements, that access will not be interrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties. The Bank make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with the Site.

IMPORTANT: By accessing this website and any of its pages you are agreeing to the terms set out above. Thank you for choosing HSBC.